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Let’s Build

Join The CaribiDreams Investor Mailing List

Let’s build beautiful things.

Real Estate Development is at the heart of the Caribidreams business model. For our first project, we invested in two acres of land to create a beautiful modern community, Spring Heights estate. This project is moving along beautifully and should bear sweet fruit in 2021. We want to invite investors to come on board for future Real Development projects. We will be offering a return on investment between 15% – 25% based on the project.

Our second investment opportunity is a digital real estate platform we are creating to expand our business to other islands in the Caribbean. It’s an exciting opportunity on the horizon as we look to solidify our brand as a premier brand not only in St. Vincent and the Grenadines but the wider Caribbean.

If you want to be kept in the loop for all our exciting investment possibilities, sign up below, so you don’t miss out on our upcoming opportunities.

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